The Game


• Character Cards – (Reduce 100 card deck to 52 (13 Characters – 4 cards each)
• Dice (1 Pair)
• Pencil & Paper
• Calculator

No. of Players: 2 – 6

Game Goal:
1. Have the hand with the most points

Getting started:
1. Each player rolls the dice.
• Player with highest total number becomes the dealer.
• This player now deals out 8 cards to each player
• This player now set the remaining cards face down in the middle

1. Each player now looks at his/her cards
2. Each player may now replace up to 7 cards b y drawing from the deck.
3. Each player now reveals their cards to the other players.
4. Highest points total wins hand.

Points system
1. individual cards are worth their face points value.
2. Two of a character – double total points of these two cards.
2. three of a character – triple total points of these three cards.
2. four of a character – quadruple total points of these four cards.