The Game


Control All of Fifth-Earth, you’ll need:
• Character Cards – 100
• Destination Cards – 25
• Power Cards – 14
• Destination Pieces (Optional)
• Lycancy Map Board (Optional)
• Dice (1 Pair)
• Calculator

No. of Players: 2 – 6

Getting started:
1. Each player rolls the dice.
2. Player with highest number begins.
3.This player now chooses the first destination card out of the pack.
4.This player now deals out 8 cards each to all players.

Starting Gameplay:
Each player rolls the dice.
    • Player with highest number becomes “Player A” and so on.
2. If an even number of players are playing (i.e. 2,4,or 6) “Player A” may challenge anyone he or she wishes to do battle with. If an odd number of players are playing (i.e. 3 or 5), then “Player B will” pick who they wish to do battle with while “Player A” receives a “bye” in the first round of battle. (We will be using “Player A” vs. “Player C” as our example.) **Alternate Play: You can also play a battle royale format were all players are dealt 8 cards thus creating a quicker way for everyone to play)
3. “Player C” will now lay down A battle card(s) face down. ( Each character, 25 in all, have four stages of power. You can lay down as many cards of a character as you wish as long as you possess them in numerical order, meaning if you have Greytok Stage 1, 2 and 3 you can lay down all three stages for that fight and increase your chance of winning that battle. However if you have Greytok Stage 1, 3 and 4 you can only lay down a Stage 1 card because you are missing Stage 2. Likewise if you have stages 2,3 and 4 you can only lay down one of these cards because you do not possess stage 1. Once “Player C” lays his/her card(s) down “Player A” can evaluate how much power he/she thinks they need to win the fight.
4. “Player A” now places his/her card(s) face down.
5. Each player now rolls the dice. If either player rolls a double of any number he/she must pick up a power card and place it face down beside his/her character card(s) that were chosen for this fight.
6. After Dice have been rolled and, if needed, power cards have been drawn both can turn their character cards over to reveal their hand. If more than one stage of a character is present add up all power levels on cards. Once this is done turn over any power cards that were drawn and apply their points, minus or plus to the totals. the one with the highest number of points wins that fight and their opponents’ cards. (You cannot repeat use of any character until the fourth fight after their initial use, unless that is the only option left. (i.e. If you use Greytok for the first fight you cannot use him again until the fifth fight.) Once you are at your fifth fight your “first use” pile is eligible for use. However, you may not pick up these cards until you have won a battle. (i.e. if you win the fifth fight you may pick those cards up. However, if you lose your fifth fight you cannot pick them up until you do win a fight.) **hint: It is best to lay the cards to the side of your “play” pile until you can play them.
7. Next battle – player “A” would lay there card(s) down first so player “C” can evaluate what they think they need. This taking turns is continued throughout the battle.
8. Continue these fights until one player is out of cards, thus losing the “battle”. The winning player moves on to the second round of battle.
9. Now “Player B” will pick who they wish to fight from the players left who have not battled. These players now follow steps 3-7.
10. Starting the second round the dice are again rolled to determine seeds of the second round.
11. This is repeated until someone emerges victorious and claims that destination for their own. HINT: It is helpful, when more than two players are playing, to have more than one deck of cards. This way while “player a” plays “player c”, “player b” can be playing “player d” thus speeding up play. Repeat for all Destination Lands to see who controls all the races, Thus controlling all of Fifth-Earth