Character Bio – Shadow


Age – Unknown (Human Years)
Height – Unknown
Weight – Unknown

Shadow, of the Ghost race, is a highly intelligent master of the lost art of ghosting. While not actually dead, therefore not a ghost, his ability to phase in and out of reality through an alternate dimension, allows him to be the most stealthy creature to ever exist. An attack on him rarely works, unless you catch him in mid-phase.

Weaponry Skills

Shadow’s weaponry includes tendrils and ability to teleport by sliding between dimensions.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Shadow’s fighting style is use stealth and attack the opponent in their most vulnerable area.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Shadow’s sorcery/magic skills include slipping between dimensions and to speak telepathically to a creature in close proximity.


Age – Unknown (Human Years)
Height – Unknown
Weight – Unknown

Shadow, of the Ghost race, is a highly intelligent master of the lost art of ghosting. While not actually dead, therefore not a ghost, his ability to phase in and out of reality through an alternate dimension, allows him to be the most stealthy creature to ever exist. An attack on him rarely works, unless you catch him in mid-phase.

Weaponry Skills

Shadow’s weaponry includes tendrils and ability to teleport by sliding between dimensions.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Shadow’s fighting style is use stealth and attack the opponent in their most vulnerable area.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Shadow’s sorcery/magic skills include slipping between dimensions and to speak telepathically to a creature in close proximity.