Character Bio – Sarata


Age – 642 (Human Years)
Height – 6’6″
Weight – 149lbs.

Sarata, of the Voohish, is the reigning, and self-appointed, “Champion of Nature”. Created by Mother Earth, she is relentless in her pursuit to punish all who abuse and destroy any form of nature. Most violators are killed instantly once sentencing, by Sarata, is proclaimed. Her judicial rulings, being all are guilty, are not what the Mother had in mind when creating her protectors.

Weaponry Skills

Sarata’s weaponry includes organic weapons used for both offense and defense.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Sarata’s fighting style is that of stealth, surprise and swift justice.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Sarata’s sorcery/magic skills are impressive and employs a vast knowledge of the dark arts to which makes her a formidable foe to even the Sheyleh.


Age – 642 (Human Years)
Height – 6’6″
Weight – 149lbs.

Sarata, of the Voohish, is the reigning, and self-appointed, “Champion of Nature”. Created by Mother Earth, she is relentless in her pursuit to punish all who abuse and destroy any form of nature. Most violators are killed instantly once sentencing, by Sarata, is proclaimed. Her judicial rulings, being all are guilty, are not what the Mother had in mind when creating her protectors.

Weaponry Skills

Sarata’s weaponry includes organic weapons used for both offense and defense.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Sarata’s fighting style is that of stealth, surprise and swift justice.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Sarata’s sorcery/magic skills are impressive and employs a vast knowledge of the dark arts to which makes her a formidable foe to even the Sheyleh.