Character Bio – Kadra


Age – 23 (Human Years)
Height – 5’10”
Weight – 123lbs.

The human, Kadra, born of a warrior seed, has mastered many forms of martial arts and has honed her skills as a sorceress as well. She is always anxious to join a fight and sometimes eager to start them. Her swordsmanship is high bar matched only by her knowledge of the dark arts.

Weaponry Skills

Kadra’s weaponry includes swords, a shield and Sai.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Kadra’s fighting style is a learned mastery of various forms of martial arts mixed with scorcery and magic.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Kadra’s sorcery/magic skills have blossomed as she gets older beginning early in her childhood. More powerful latent abilities have begun to reveal themselves.


Age – 23 (Human Years)
Height – 5’10”
Weight – 123lbs.

The human, Kadra, born of a warrior seed, has mastered many forms of martial arts and has honed her skills as a sorceress as well. She is always anxious to join a fight and sometimes eager to start them. Her swordsmanship is high bar matched only by her knowledge of the dark arts.

Weaponry Skills

Kadra’s weaponry includes swords, a shield and Sai.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Kadra’s fighting style is a learned mastery of various forms of martial arts mixed with scorcery and magic.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Kadra’s sorcery/magic skills have blossomed as she gets older beginning early in her childhood. More powerful latent abilities have begun to reveal themselves.