Character Bio – Cree


Age – 284 (Human Years)
Height – 5’1”
Weight – 285lbs.

Cree, the reluctant leader of the bayous, rules with a silent respect of all his followers. Not highly intelligent, nor over-powering, Slag uses a subdued tongue and expertly tailored diplomatic skills to resolve most differences. Many believe he hides a telepathic power of persuasion behind his hollow glowing eyes, though none have proven it.

Weaponry Skills

Cree’s weaponry is derived from the ground where he can manipulate plants and soil to his will.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Cree’s fighting style uses cunning, stealth and surprising speed, at least when he is in swamp-like conditions. Out of the swamp his survival chances are minimal at best.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Cree’s sorcery/magic skills are comprised of “gifts” bestowed upon him by the ancient mother, Gaia.


Age – 284 (Human Years)
Height – 5’1”
Weight – 285lbs.

Cree, the reluctant leader of the bayous, rules with a silent respect of all his followers. Not highly intelligent, nor over-powering, Slag uses a subdued tongue and expertly tailored diplomatic skills to resolve most differences. Many believe he hides a telepathic power of persuasion behind his hollow glowing eyes, though none have proven it.

Weaponry Skills

Cree’s weaponry is derived from the ground where he can manipulate plants and soil to his will.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Cree’s fighting style uses cunning, stealth and surprising speed, at least when he is in swamp-like conditions. Out of the swamp his survival chances are minimal at best.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Cree’s sorcery/magic skills are comprised of “gifts” bestowed upon him by the ancient mother, Gaia.