Character Bio – Bretai


Age – Unknown
Height – 6’5”
Weight – 255lbs.

Bretai, a high priest of the Dark Counsel of the Sheyleh, has immense power, knowledge and skill. He controls the elements as part of his “study”, and he can communicate with any creature telepathically. He is not to be trusted. His thirst for power at times consumes him and clouds his judgement.

Weaponry Skills

Bretai’s weaponry is comprised of psyonic blasts of varying power and form.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Bretai’s fighting is in-your-face full frontal assault. He loves to show off his power so strategy is rarely part of his battle plan.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Bretai’s sorcery/magic is only rivaled by Arianna.


Age – Unknown
Height – 6’5”
Weight – 255lbs.

Bretai, a high priest of the Dark Counsel of the Sheyleh, has immense power, knowledge and skill. He controls the elements as part of his “study”, and he can communicate with any creature telepathically. He is not to be trusted. His thirst for power at times consumes him and clouds his judgement.

Weaponry Skills

Bretai’s weaponry is comprised of psyonic blasts of varying power and form.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Bretai’s fighting is in-your-face full frontal assault. He loves to show off his power so strategy is rarely part of his battle plan.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Bretai’s sorcery/magic is only rivaled by Arianna.