Character Bio – Ash


Age – Unknown
Height – 28’8”
Weight – 485lbs.

Few races are feared more then the Incindi. And of the Incindi, none strike more fear in foes hearts than Ash. Formed of pure heat, he can take and form of heated material known to exist – molten lava, lava rock, fire, etc. Able to reach temperatures higher than 3,000 degrees F, Ash usually has no need to fight anyone who is foolish enough to stand before hime … he simply incinerates them.

Weaponry Skills

Ash’s weaponry is different forms of fire and heat. Fire, ash, brimstone, lava and other combustible materials.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Ash’s fighting style is incinerate first and if that doesn’t work charge. Thinking himself invincible he will never run. Never.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Ash’s sorcery/magic can only be accessed in Stage 4 and is poor, at best.


Age – Unknown
Height – 28’8”
Weight – 485lbs.

Few races are feared more then the Incindi. And of the Incindi, none strike more fear in foes hearts than Ash. Formed of pure heat, he can take and form of heated material known to exist – molten lava, lava rock, fire, etc. Able to reach temperatures higher than 3,000 degrees F, Ash usually has no need to fight anyone who is foolish enough to stand before hime … he simply incinerates them.

Weaponry Skills

Ash’s weaponry is different forms of fire and heat. Fire, ash, brimstone, lava and other combustible materials.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Ash’s fighting style is incinerate first and if that doesn’t work charge. Thinking himself invincible he will never run. Never.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Ash’s sorcery/magic can only be accessed in Stage 4 and is poor, at best.