Character Bio – Arianna


Age – Unknown
Height – 6’0”
Weight – 130lbs.

Arianna, of the Sheyleh, a being of great power but who lacks the trust she yearns for from the rest of fifth-earth. She strives to gain their trust by helping them, when Sheylehan law allows, and sometimes stretching those laws to there breaking point.

Weaponry Skills

Arianna’s weaponry is comprised of a psyonic blade she can summon through her mind. She is also capable of various kinds of energy blasts with differing effects.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Arianna’s fighting style is one of misdirection. She uses cloak and dagger methods to confuse until opportunities strike present themselves.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Arianna’s sorcery/magic skills are rivalved only by Bretai and the Dark Counsel of Sheyleh.


Age – Unknown
Height – 6’0”
Weight – 130lbs.

Arianna, of the Sheyleh, a being of great power but who lacks the trust she yearns for from the rest of fifth-earth. She strives to gain their trust by helping them, when Sheylehan law allows, and sometimes stretching those laws to there breaking point.

Weaponry Skills

Arianna’s weaponry is comprised of a psyonic blade she can summon through her mind. She is also capable of various kinds of energy blasts with differing effects.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Arianna’s fighting style is one of misdirection. She uses cloak and dagger methods to confuse until opportunities strike present themselves.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Arianna’s sorcery/magic skills are rivalved only by Bretai and the Dark Counsel of Sheyleh.