Character Bio – Tapest


Age – Unknown (Human Years)
Height – Unknown
Weight – Unknown

Tapest, of the Valgrehah, is known to most only in legend. Very few have met him and those who have are never heard from again. There have been survivors but they are deformed, mutilated, missing parts of their body and having parts from other creatures attached to them, making them, a walking “Tapestry.”

Weaponry Skills

Tapest’s weaponry includes claws, suction cups, appendages, and hypnotic powers.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Tapest’s fighting style is gain control over its opponent by force of hypnotic persuasion. Then, relieve them of their essence.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Tapest’s sorcery/magic skills include the ability to drain life energy, hypnotize opponents. In stage four, it can enshroud itself in an illusion of its choosing.


Age – Unknown (Human Years)
Height – Unknown
Weight – Unknown

Tapest, of the Valgrehah, is known to most only in legend. Very few have met him and those who have are never heard from again. There have been survivors but they are deformed, mutilated, missing parts of their body and having parts from other creatures attached to them, making them, a walking “Tapestry.”

Weaponry Skills

Tapest’s weaponry includes claws, suction cups, appendages, and hypnotic powers.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Tapest’s fighting style is gain control over its opponent by force of hypnotic persuasion. Then, relieve them of their essence.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Tapest’s sorcery/magic skills include the ability to drain life energy, hypnotize opponents. In stage four, it can enshroud itself in an illusion of its choosing.