Character Bio – Slosh


Age – 128 (Human Years)
Height – 9’7″
Weight – 836lbs.

Slosh is a member of the Mudteah. Slosh syphons energy from others to survive. Slosh is the head scout for the clan. He takes on all attackers and has managed to gain complete control of his power and can redirect or observe energy that is thrown at him – even increasing its power.

Weaponry Skills

Slosh’s weaponry includes mud, teeth, and energized tentacles.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Slosh’s fighting style is survive and obsorb energy by any means necessary.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Slosh’s sorcery/magic skills include the ability to obsorb energy and redistribute energy through his tendrils.


Age – 128 (Human Years)
Height – 9’7″
Weight – 836lbs.

Slosh is a member of the Mudteah. Slosh syphons energy from others to survive. Slosh is the head scout for the clan. He takes on all attackers and has managed to gain complete control of his power and can redirect or observe energy that is thrown at him – even increasing its power.

Weaponry Skills

Slosh’s weaponry includes mud, teeth, and energized tentacles.

Fighting Skills
& Techniques

Slosh’s fighting style is survive and obsorb energy by any means necessary.

Sorcery, Magic
& Lifeforce Skills

Slosh’s sorcery/magic skills include the ability to obsorb energy and redistribute energy through his tendrils.